While we do not breed Smooth Fox Terriers, we do show them
and keep one or two at a time as members of our family

Champion Edwyre's Golden Buoy
My first Smooth Fox Champion.  Many Best of Breeds, Group Placements, finished with Specialty wins.
Quissex Camilla and friend "Polly" was 
a treasured family member for over 13 years.

Scrimshaw Mifox Jackbenimbus
Wh. 1999-2012

"Buster" is our "token terrier" at this time  due to the fact that, having been raised by  Labradors, he will not tolerate another  terrier in our house. Pointed in very limited  showing he is now retired and enjoying life as our Chief Watchdog and head of our  Labrador Exercise Program. This last  position consists of agitating the Labradors into chasing him. We expect that he will enjoy job security until age catches up with him...or the Labradors.

We are sorry to report that Father Time finally caught up with Buster. He now in charge of the Heavenly Smooth Fox Terrier exercise program. He is greatly missed except by the Labradors.


Bertie the Beloved
Bertie came to us from Fox Terrier 
Rescue at the age of 14. We were 
privileged to have him until the age of 
18.  Everyone said he was lucky to 
have found a home, but the truth is we 
were lucky to have found him.

Champion Handful's Thatcher,
ROM Sire
My first owner-handler finished Smooth 
Fox. "Thatcher" was a once-in-a-lifetime 
dog and is still greatly missed.


Ballykelly Kevin was our token 
Whippet.  Kevin was a souvenir from a 
trip to Ireland.  He brought excitement into 
our lives for over 15 years.
Ontona's Queen of the Road was a rough 
Collie bred by Louise.  Buffy was as sweet and 
loving as she was beautiful.

Other strangers who pop in on occasion...

The Christmas Eve Owl
A cub waiting up in the tree for mom

Mother bear looking for berries

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